The legacies of colonialism could only be corrected by a cohesive and united leadership

Dear Editor,

As we celebrate our 58th Independence, it is important to accept and appreciate that Independence holds profound significance for our nation. Independence marks the transition from the inhumane shackles and bondage of colonial subjugation and imperialist domination to self-governance and self-determination. This 58th anniversary of our country’s independence is a poignant reminder of the journey from colonial rule to a nation forging its own identity, culture, and destiny. However, despite the passage of fifty-eight years, the aspiration for true independence wherein all citizens benefit equitably from the nation’s resources, remains for us, an unfulfilled dream and aspiration as articulated in our country’s motto: “One People, One Nation, One Destiny.”

The scars of slavery, indentureship and colonialism left a legacy of economic exploitation and socio-political fragmentation that continues to influence our post-colonial society. Guyana’s independence from British rule in 1966 was a critical step towards self-determination; it is important to note however, that genuine independence encompasses more than political and national sovereignty, it involves the ability to harness and manage our natural resources for the collective benefit of all our people.  This notion of independence transcends way beyond mere governance, it touches on economic self-sufficiency and equitable distribution of wealth. The question, therefore, is how can this be attained?

I dare say only through unity. The path to true independence is inherently linked to national unity. Our motto, “One People, One Nation, One Destiny,” should not be mere words, for it is much more than that – it encapsulates the vision of a cohesive Guyanese society working towards common goals. This unity is a necessary condition to maximize the benefits from our vast natural resources. As our elder statesman and former Prime Minister of Guyana, Cde. Hamilton Green highlighted in his letter to the Stabroek News, the unification of our country’s leadership is essential to optimally exploiting our resources for the true benefit of all citizens.

Without a unified approach, the management and distribution of resources risks fragmentation and inequality, perpetuating disparities and hindering collective national progress. I put it to us, that Guyana is well endowed with abundant natural resources, including significant oil reserves. These resources represent a shared heritage, the benefits of which should be experienced in a tangible way by all Guyanese, home and abroad. It was Eric Williams, late Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago who famously remarked, “oil don’t spoil,” emphasizing the enduring value of that country’s natural resources. However, the true value of these resources can only be realized through a deliberate and concerted effort to manage and utilize them effectively.

This involves transparent and accountable governance, equitable policies, and an inclusive approach that considers the well-being of all citizens. This consciousness requires a united leadership which plays a pivotal role in achieving the ideals of independence. The call for unity by former Prime Minister Green underscores the necessity for cohesive leadership that prioritizes national interests over partisan agendas and political desires. It is my belief that true independence requires leaders who are committed to the greater good, who transcends divisions and fosters a spirit of collaboration and shared purpose. Such leadership ensures that the exploitation of our resources maximizes benefits for all our people, paving the way for sustainable development and prosperity.

By embracing the principles of unity, transparency, accountability and equitable distribution, Guyana can fulfill the promise of independence and build a future where every citizen, every Guyanese, enjoys the benefits of the nation’s wealth. As we reflect on 58 years of independence, let us recommit to the desired vision of “One People, One Nation, One Destiny,” and work together towards a truly independent and prosperous Guyana for us all. Big men/women, it’s time to fix it, it’s time to get it right for our people. Happy Independence.


Hon. Jermaine Figueira MP