Andrew Kendall

About Andrew Kendall



Articles by Andrew Kendall

Beyoncé in “Black Is King,” which is now available for streaming on Disney+

Black Ambition

Ambition is a tricky thing. On its face, the word, which means “a strong desire to do or achieve something,” is innocuous.

Blackness unbowed

What does it mean for art to become political? The question occurred to me this past week watching the way protests against anti-blackness spilled out from the USA to the rest of the world after police killed yet another black life.

Mariana Di Girolamo and Gael García Bernal in ‘Ema’

“Ema” burns hot

Nothing in the deliriously trippy “Ema” is accidental. Instead, Pablo Larraín’s nervy drama deepens in complexity when you try to dissect any individual moment.

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