Regional News

Showdown looms in Venezuela over decree powers plan

CARACAS, (Reuters) – Venezuelan politicians traded insults at the weekend with a showdown looming in the National Assembly over President Nicolas Maduro’s plans to ask for fast-track decree powers he says he needs to combat corruption.

T&T PM, Opposition Leader join forces against crime

(Trinidad Express) Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley have agreed to join forces to deal with the country’s crime scourge, including “untangling the hurdles” in the implementation of the death penalty.

Jamaica unemployment rate 16.3%

(Jamaica Observer) The  unemployment rate rose to 16.3 per cent in April this year, up almost two percentage points over year earlier figures, according to figures released by the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) on Thursday.

Pregnant girl among four killed in Port of Spain

(Trinidad Express) The city of Port of Spain was the scene of four murders within eleven hours yesterday, among the dead -16 year old Rashida Gomez who was shot and killed at an apartment at lower Duncan Street, Port of Spain.

Pregnant girl among four killed in Port of Spain

(Trinidad Express) The city of Port of Spain was the scene of four murders within eleven hours today, among the dead -16 year old Rashida Gomez who was shot and killed at an apartment at lower Duncan Street, Port of Spain.

Bajan students to pay UWI tuition

(Barbados Nation) From next year, Barbadian students at campuses of the University of the West Indies across the region will be digging into their pocket for their tuition fees.

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