Regional News

Jamaican businessman fatally shot

(Jamaica Gleaner) Senior police investigators are now probing the fatal shooting of 49-year-old businessman Hector Wilson on Darling Street, in the vicinity of the Coronation Market, about 4:30 this morning.

T&T Govt snaps up Clico

(Trinidad Express) The country’s largest insurance company is about to become potentially one of the State’s most lucrative and far-reaching assets.

Jack Warner to sue Sir David Simmons

(Trinidad Express) Legal action will be taken against Sir David Simmons, who chaired Concacaf’s ethics committee which reported that former government minister Jack Warner was fraudulent in his management of Concacaf and the ownership of the Centre of Excellence.

Unprecedented shake-up in T&T senate

(Trinidad Express) In a complete departure from practice, President Anthony Carmona has changed four of his senators in mid-term, a move that is unpre­cedented in Trinidad and Tobago’s post-Republican history.

Jamaica Health Minister announces smoking ban review

(Jamaica Observer) Minister of Health Dr Fenton Ferguson bowed to increasing pressure from within and outside the ruling People’s National Party (PNP), yesterday, agreeing to let Parliament review the ban on smoking he implemented on July 15.

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