Letters to the Editor

Mair’s confidence misplaced

Dear Editor, I wish to extend my tremendous gratitude to Mr John Mair for his confidence in my potential as per his letter ‘Barista to President’ (SN, Aug 31). 

Army should be involved in crime-fighting

Dear Editor, A few days before Attorney General Basil Williams told newsmen in Georgetown that the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) is to be completely separated from the Guyana Police Force so that it can perform its core functions, lawyers and former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) senior officers in the diaspora were discussing the possibility for the role of the GDF be modified so that the army can assist in investigations and other crime-solving activities.

Some right things but wrong context

Dear Editor, As one reads the article titled ‘Chand says cooperation needed to resist any bid to reprivatize sugar’ that was published in the Sunday Stabroek on August 28, one gets the impression that Mr Komal Chand is saying some of the right things but in the wrong context.

Arrangement re well in QAII compound will continue

Dear Editor, The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), the nation’s supplier of water and sanitation services, wishes to state that it has launched an investigation to ascertain in whose name the well located in the compound of Sanata Textiles, Ruimveldt was registered.

The worst traffic jam ever

Dear Editor, On August 27th, a busy Saturday afternoon, on our journey back to Georgetown after a Justice and Peace Mission at Camp Kayuka, we witnessed the worst traffic jam that we have ever experienced in Guyana where traffic literally ground to a halt and engines were switched off in anger and disbelief as the police looked on helplessly.

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