Letters to the Editor

Incompetence at the Guyana Cricket Board

Dear Editor, Recently I have had cause to send the letter which follows to the Guyana Cricket Board and a representative of the Essequibo Cricket Board about the management of the Essequibo Under-15 cricket team.

Sugar personnel would be justified in insisting Raj Singh openly declare his capabilities and his expectations of them

Dear Editor, Whether deliberately, or the result of reflex action, various contributors have been publicising on TV, at rallies, and in print their respective perceptions of GuySuCo’s proposed Executive Chairman’s particular technical and related qualifications, leading importantly to an appreciation of the individual’s capacity for genuine leadership, at a time all are agreed that the sugar industry is begging to be retrieved from the slope of rapid decline.

No secret poll

Dear Editor, Stabroek News is perceived as a serious newspaper that is respected by the intelligentsia (as well as the ‘educated’ class) in the Guyanese diaspora and among Guyanese at home.

Bull of the week?

Dear Editor, ‘PPP “paid the price” at the last polls for neglecting groundwork –Rohee’ (SN, July 10).’

There are enormous problems facing the PPP

Dear Editor, There have been a flurry letters in the newspapers  by PPP executive member Mr Clement Rohee as well as a press briefing, most recently about corruption and why the PPP paid the price at the last poll for neglecting groundwork in some areas of the party strongholds.

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