Letters to the Editor

UG needs an independent Board of Governors

Dear Editor, One would thinks that in this age of enlightenment, the major political leaders (eg, PNC and PPP) of Guyana like the populace would embrace higher education and the benefits which accrue from such endeavours.

Why did NCN in Berbice not show cricket?

Dear Editor, It is a well known fact that Berbicians do not have many avenues for recreation and leisure, and  that is one of the main reasons for the high rate of alcoholism and suicide in Region Six. 

There should be a road engineering competency team to function much like the office of the Inspector General in Jamaica

Dear Editor, SN, February 2, 2012  Eroded Timehri road repaired SN, February 8, 2012 Linden roads crumble despite million-dollar repairs KN, February 8, 2012 Dilapidated 63 Beach Entrance Road and embarrassment KN, February 10, 2012 Lengthy delay of work on breached Pomeroon dam creates havoc for residents KN, February 10, 2012    Good Hope road returns to disrepair two months after rehabilitation KN, February 15, 2012    This Lil’ Red Village road in Region Two is evidence of more shoddy work The above headlines seem to speak more to the ‘contraction’ than the ‘construction’ of our country’s roads.

The bauxite washer pond is not maintained

Dear Editor, As a young man many, many, years ago, my friends and I swam in most of the waterways around Mackenzie, Wismar and Christianburg, namely, Bucktown, Katabuli Creek, Lovers Lane, Blue Lake, Cara Cara Creek, Hymara Creek and many others.

A case of cognitive dissonance

Dear Editor, It would have been easy to dismiss the recent controversy erupting from President Ramotar’s characterisation of the APNU behaviour at polling places during the last elections, as it would have been similarly simple to entirely dismiss APNU’s marching and demonstrating after the polls and its declarations of suspicion levelled against the PPP/Civic.

A poor attempt at propaganda

Dear Editor, No right minded Guyanese believes the rubbish that emanated from the mouth of President Ramotar in which he claimed that the combined opposition manipulated the election results. 

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