Letters to the Editor

A sick monster

Dear Editor, So our concerned government is providing so much more to Guyana Power and Light.

Our brilliant young minds should seek some degree of moral integrity

Dear Editor, It was news for me reading the letter in KN of October 29 by Claudia Heywood, mother of 2009 valedictorian Loria-Mae Angela Heywood furiously complaining that one year after graduating and receiving the President’s Medal for “distinguished performance” and sending out about 40 job applications (this has got to be a record for a top UG student) her daughter is still jobless.

‘SN report on Tobago highlighted lack of progress to embarrass the government’

Dear Editor, Recent articles carried in the Stabroek News editions of the November 6 and 17 [sic], that sought to highlight the health situation and conditions in the Amer-indian Village of Tobago in the Maba-ruma Sub-Region of Region One do require a response from me, lest the selective picture of neglect painted by the writer of these hyperboles become entrenched in the minds of the unsuspecting and unaware among our Guyanese populace.

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