Letters to the Editor

There can be no turnaround in sugar unless workers are properly rewarded

Dear Editor, The Stabroek News editorial (22.11.10) that referred to the seven days strike called by the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union as ‘’thoughtless” and in stark contrast to an anonymous column in  another daily that accused GAWU of not doing enough and followed by a letter on the same day  in SN  “that GAWU needs to make informed decisions” are shortsighted and unfortunate especially when those in the corridors of power have consistently refused to settle labour disputes via the process of negotiations or through a process of mutually beneficial dialogue.

The nation has lost a true patriot

Dear Editor,Over the last eleven days Guyanese, and more particularly, the members and supporters of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) have been hoping and praying for a total reverse in Mr.

Pleading with President Jagdeo, to “save” our alluvial gold and diamond miners.

r Excellency, President Jagdeo, on behalf of the many thousands of our Alluvial Gold & Diamond Miners, we plead with you to stop any implementation of all the “draconian” mining regulations, some of which were introduced in the past, and many more “IMPOSSIBLE TO MINE CONDITIONS, which the SLUC has sent to you previously, and a set of similar additional conditions, which they are about to send to you now.

My daughter rejected offers to go abroad because she wanted to serve her country

Dear Editor, After reading Mr Frank Fyffe’s letter, published in both Stabroek News and Kaieteur News on Monday, November 22nd under different captions, I conclude that either Mr Fyffe has buried his head in the sand, lacks the “moral integrity” (to borrow his words), to face truth, or is guilty of being what he is suggesting of others, a “spineless, submissive” creature!!

Thank you GT&T

Dear Editor, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company for their prompt response to my questions and the clarifications provided.

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