
Criminal underworld severe and exacting

Dear Editor, I was at pains to find a title for my letter today mulling over a few here and there but finding it difficult to settle on one fitting enough, however, sticking to the basic principles of the Language my English Teacher Reverend Britto would say to me keep it simple yet gripping, so I’ve decided to caption it “Less work for the police.”

China’s Nobels

The British historian John Keegan once wrote that the political history of the twentieth century could be approximated to the biographies of six men.

Many are awaiting outcome of the police probe into the bogus tickets sold for Essequibo Nite

Dear Editor, About 1:30 pm on Sunday 7th October, 2012, I received a phone call from a friend from Anna Regina telling me that her understanding is that a councillor of the Regional Democratic Council was caught in the act of selling counterfeit tickets for the Annual Essequibo Nite event sponsored by the Region 2 Administration at the Anna Regina Community Centre Ground on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th October, last. 

An anomaly and an anachronism

This week marked the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the 13-day Cuban Missile Crisis, when the two superpowers of the day, the USA and the USSR, were engaged, at the height of the Cold War, in arguably the most dangerous game of political chicken ever.

Sea defence breach at Huis t’ Dieren still to be repaired

Dear Editor, Some four years ago, an earthen sea defence breach in my home village at Huis t’ Dieren in Region #2 was observed in its initial stage and it was promptly brought to the attention of the administration here for corrective measures to be taken But since then and on to this day even with the flood of complaints ever so often to the relevant authorities the breach continues to get bigger with the cost for remedial works mounting all the time.

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