
The Vaitarna matter

A report by the Times of India earlier this month that an Indian company, Vaitarna Holdings, controlled 1.82M acres of Guyanese forest deservedly captured media scrutiny here.

Hindu leaders in New York must come together and lobby for space to conduct shore rituals

Dear Editor, With regards to your news item, as carried by the New York Times, on the difficulties Guyanese (Indo-Caribbean) Hindus face and the problems they present in worshipping at the Rockaway Bay area (Guyanese Hindu Rituals Lead to Clash …SN Apr 22), this has been an ongoing problem for over two decades with Hindu leaders not actively pursuing a practical solution or educating worshippers about environmental concerns. 

NIS told me that contributions were never paid in for me

Dear Editor, I am a widow and I am trying to contact Mr David Fennell, former President of Golden Star Resources Ltd, High Street, Georgetown (closed down) and now executive chairman of the Manganese Company, Matthews Ridge, Region 1, to ask him why the company failed to pay my National Insurance Scheme contributions, even though NIS was deducted from my salary from January, 1991 to April, 1995 as a security guard.

Education channel

In our editorial of Monday, March 14, we had drawn attention to the fact that the Education Television Broadcasting Service was being set up in breach of the understanding reached during the dialogue between President Jagdeo and the late Mr Hoyte, and the continuation of that dialogue with the latter’s successor, Mr Robert Corbin.

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