
When was the last time the GLTA submitted an audited financial report to the National Sports Commission?

Dear Editor, Christopher Ram’s latest correspondence to your Sunday Stabroek (`The GLTA never demanded a percentage of the Sport Ministry’s budget” – 24 April 2011) again reeks of feigned dissatisfaction with initial responses to his original Business Page – distortions of the Ministry, its allocations and the alleged “mystery” Fund.

My personal views

Dear Editor, I should explain that the views expressed in my letter of 29th April, 2011 `Mr Fenty’s column did not disclose that he had been hired to produce ad for Air Services’, are my personal views and not the views of Ogle Airport Inc.

The Royal Wedding

For many it would probably have been one great yawn but this morning would also have found many Guyanese and West Indians, probably older rather than younger, glued to their television screens, watching the nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

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