
Pie in the sky

Earlier this month, the Mayor and City Council was presented with a proposal for fixing the city’s overwhelming problems of solid waste disposal, which includes recycling and incineration.

David Granger has only himself to blame for his status as usurper

Dear Editor, Two hundred and seventy-eight days after the successful passage of the No-confidence motion, out-of-time caretaker President David Granger has once again made a temporizing statement; Granger has dangled the ‘carrot’ of an election date in the hope that the People’s Progressive Party will return to Parliament on the 10th October 2019 and extend the life of his as-of-now illegal administration.

Illegal actions of gov’t must attract sanctions

Dear Editor, I refer to the Parliamentary vote of no-confidence in the APNU+AFC Government since 21 December 2018, and the ruling of the CCJ, affirming the validity of the no-confidence vote on June 18 2019, and calling on President David Granger to call national elections in keeping with the Constitution and the rule of law.

Presidential rotation a far more wise and practical constitutional idea

Dear Editor, With reference to a letter by Joey Jagan, entitled, ‘Postpone elections, form caretaker coalition gov’t with PPP to create meaningful constitutional changes’ of Sept 19, 2019, [Stabroek News], I respectfully wish to offer the following comments: While, as a politically-neutral individual, born in Guyana, I agree with Joey (who by the way, did an excellent job ‘filling in’ one of my front teeth many years ago), that there’s a need for meaningful constitutional changes in Guyana; at the same time, I do not share his belief (as earlier also proposed by his father, former Executive President Cheddi Jagan) that such constitutional reform should, inter alia, create a government of National Unity; even though the idea undoubtedly sounds fair and politically correct, bearing in mind the very high level of political tension, conflict and animosity that has been plaguing Guyana electoral politics for generations now. 

Statement by US, UK and EU was out of order

Dear Editor, The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) in the strongest possible term expresses concern about the out of order statement issued on Thursday by the United States, United Kingdom and European Union as to when an election can be held following the Caribbean Court of Justice’s (CCJ) ruling on 18th June 2019 that the 21st December 2018 no-confidence vote was validly passed.

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