
Postpone elections, form caretaker coalition gov’t with PPP to create meaningful constitutional changes

Dear Editor, As Guyanese wait around on the political merry-go-round to grind out a date for the next elections, we are seeing: tensions rising and racial politics playing a greater role (as usual); consumerism on the decline which is indicative of generally poor performance in the economy- due to peoples’ uncertainty about the future; loan rates still comparatively high so as to stymie the growth of start-up businesses and expansions of established business enterprises – leaving entrepreneurs with great business ideas in the twilight zone of Guyanese politics; and the most hurtful of all – people by the droves fleeing these shores for a better life somewhere else because of fear of the future which Guyanese politics has and is nurturing. 

Housing mishmash

Twice already for the year, in April and then again in August, the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) has had to issue warnings to citizens not to be taken in by fraudulent contacts on Facebook, claiming to be in a position to offer them land or houses.

There should be an investigation into the Verwey pronouncement

Dear Editor, On the 8th September a report by online magazine Petroleum Economist attributed new discoveries to Government of Guyana official Owen Verwey “There have been some big discoveries and, by next Friday, we will be announcing another one… We are one of the hottest destinations for the oil and gas industry right now and that is set to continue,” this statement was made during an address at the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Offshore Europe Conference and Exhibition in Aberdeen, Scotland.

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