The Scene

The judges: From left: Sean Bhola, Charmaine Blackman, Gordon Moseley and Joel Ghansham
The judges: From left: Sean Bhola, Charmaine Blackman, Gordon Moseley and Joel Ghansham

Highs and lows at jingle final

For those who have not yet had the opportunity to see it, the GT&T Guyana Star Jingle and Song Competition final can be viewed tomorrow from 8 pm on the regular channels.

R Kelly
R Kelly

R Kelly for Jamzone concert

On August 24, patrons attending this year’s Jamzone Summer Break International Concert will have their musical taste buds titillated as R&B sensation R Kelly performs.

Jumo Primo

Jumo wins Ambassador award for music

The Guyanese diaspora in the city of East Orange, New Jersey honoured Soca Monarch Jumo Primo with several awards as part of the celebration of Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary.

Sonia Noel and Amelia Moore

Making the rounds with makin style

From Georgetown to St Lucia, Tobago, and Barbados, Atlanta, New Jersey and New York, fashion designer and entrepreneur Sonia Noel has been making the rounds with her magazine makin style, and her new line First Resort.

To Dad with Love for Theatre Guild

Bonny Alves, Charmaine Blackman, Gerard Gilkes, Colin ‘Karaoke King’ Ambrose, Sonia Yarde, Sheron Cadogan-Taylor, Simone Dowding, Abigail Brower, Max Massiah and many other local artistes will take to the stage tomorrow for the fifth annual father’s night production of To Dad with Love under the theme “Stand Tall Daddy” at the Theatre Guild Playhouse from 20:00 hrs sharp.

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