I agree with the President that acting appointments should be confirmed

Dear Editor,

Watching the TV recently I couldn’t agree more with President Jagdeo when he said that persons needed to be confirmed in their positions to give them not only security of tenure but to give them confidence and to shield them from the Executive.

He said words to this effect whilst lamenting the failure of himself and Mr Corbin in reaching an agreement on the appointment of the Chancellor and Chief Justice resulting in them having to act. I however wish to ask the President what is preventing the confirmation of some of the High Court judges, the DPP, the Auditor General, the Chief Magistrate.

Mr President you cannot continue to blow hot and cold at the same time. By the way your treatment of Stabroek News with the ads withdrawal is no different from Burnham’s treatment of the Mirror with the refusal of licences, and your apologists only shame themselves further in trying to justify it.

Yours faithfully,

R Singh