A good start for Obama

Dear Editor,

Barack Obama has crossed the first hurdle and won convincingly in Iowa. Iowa has a population that is 94% white and only 3% black, yet Mr. Obama (an African American) was able to secure 37 % of the votes, while his second place opponent got 29%; no one really predicted such a distance between first and second place( the consensus opinion going in was that the race was going to be close).

The reason for Obama’s excellent showing was that he and his campaign got the young people (the next generation of Americans are more tolerant than their older counterparts) and the independents, excited and out to vote, (not some wild speculative conspiracy theory that Republicans are sending operatives to convert to Democrats to vote for Obama to ensure that he wins the nomination over Clinton). This Iowa caucus saw approximately 100,000 more voters than the last caucus in 2004.

Going into New Hampshire on Tuesday, Obama is leading the polls and if his campaign organizes the way it did Thursday, then he’s going to win persuasively there too.

Yours faithfully,

Clinton Urling