The PNCR fully supports house-to-house registration

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter by Jean Ramroop captioned “Attempts to confuse the public should be condemned” (GC 08.01.10), . It is unfortunate that Ms. Jean Ramroop is so confused that she has a problem understanding what House-to-House Registration entails. Is it that she does not understand the facts? Well let me help you madam.

As Chief Scrutineer of the PNCR, I developed an effective communication system between my scrutineers and myself. After the first day’s session I had reports from nine (9) out of (10) Administrative Regions. It was evident from the reports that there were numerous problems as I outlined in the media.

Let me indicate that there is no reason to hold the process at ransom since the PNCR fought long and hard for House-to-House Registration and this we welcome. Contrary to your thinking we have been encouraging residents to register.

Yours faithfully,

Amna Ally, MP