Stop this madness before it escalates

Dear Editor,

I am a Guyanese living abroad and would like to register my outrage against the recent developments in Guyana. I believe some dialogue should take place among all the organisations to stop this madness that has taken over our country. I have lived through the racial destruction that prevailed in the 60s and would never like to see a repeat of this. As a school girl I had to throw my bicycle and myself over an Indian schoolmate to save his life.

I beg you all to stop this madness before it escalates. Already, Guyana is seen as the pariah of the Caribbean. If this tension escalates it would put our country back 50 years. I suggest all politicians read the book “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle. Man’s ego leads him to a destructive path. Shelve the egos and work to make our dear land of Guyana a place where all could live peacefully.

As soon as we leave Guyana, we of all races become Guyanese. We have produced several races beside the six we once had with about six more. So what will be the fate of all the mixed races if this madness is allowed to continue.

To the leaders of the law enforcement agencies, I suggest you get out there and do real police work to find the perpetrators of all atrocities, including drugs. Rid your ranks of crooked cops, win the trust of the people and refuse filthy lucre. Let our country once more become a proud nation and uplift our downtrodden youth so that criminal elements would find it hard to recruit them. Help them to dream big. Stop the witch hunt and do not seek to exacerbate this situation.

Yours faithfully,

G. Wilson