Get the facts, Mr Phillips

Dear Editor, 

I noted that Mr Phillips took it upon himself to respond to my letter questioning what kind of assistance was given to the traumatised residents of Lusignan and Bartica, after the wanton slaughter meted out to them by a band of  criminals.

My question in the previous letter was whether the Venezuelan embassy had given any assistance to the survivors of this trauma, as they had to the residents of Buxton. After a somewhat convoluted letter by Mr Phillips, I still don’t have an answer.
To his charge that only Indians are sent to India on government of India study programmes, that is completely untrue. What Mr Phillips should do is go to the Indian High Commission and get the facts – how many people were sent, for what reason, and what was their ethnic breakdown
 Mr Phillips also hinted that a larger amount of money is spent on Indian villages in Guyana. That not so. Again, I challenge him to get the facts.

Yours faithfully,
Mohan Singh