The police need a high-tech approach to combat crime

Dear Editor,
I have to ask the question: How determined are the authorities to capture the local terrorists that have this nation petrified?  The answer is very evident in the picture of the recovery of the missing businessman’s head.  It seems clear that the police have contracted Lyken Funeral Home to do the forensic work at crime scenes.  Why did the police not seal off the area and search the immediate vicinity for trace evidence, knowing that the drain was clogged and the head could not have floated downsteam, but was dumped there? The detectives should be the ones to remove crime victims to the morgue for forensic examination before they are handed over to a funeral home.

Additionally, why have the authorities not purchased infrared day-night surveillance cameras and DVRs to record activities around the perimeter of police stations?
The live video images could be viewed and backed up to other video recorders and computers at remote locations using the network remote capabilities of the DVR. 

A four channel DVR with four mega-flood CCD cameras costs as little as US$700. If funds are unavailable, the administration should sell one of the BMWs to finance the project.  The authorities need a high-tech approach to combat the menace to society.
Yours faithfully,
Joe Owen