Price rises causing hardship for middle classes in US

Dear Editor,
I have enclosed an article from the London Times captioned ‘Price rises send New Yorkers into dustbins for free food,’ (19.5.08) showing the hardship middle-class Americans are experiencing caused by rising food and fuel prices. If the middle classes living in the most powerful economy in the world are experiencing this type of hardship, I can imagine what the poor in Guyana are experiencing, especially the urban poor.

When the opposition decided to protest about rising food and energy prices, which is quite legitimate in any democratic society, the government refused to give permission. The opposition was quite right to go ahead with the protest; the PNC represents mainly the urban population and it is they who are mainly affected by these price increases.
If the government continues to be so thin-skinned, it will find it very difficult to recruit skilled Guyanese who are exposed to living in metropolitan countries and persuade them to return.
Yours faithfully,
FA Neblett