Obama should work for justice

Dear Editor,

When President Hugo Chavez referred to President George W Bush as the ‘devil,’ I felt somewhat annoyed that one president would refer to another one that was elected in this way. Now looking at the Iraqi horror and the recent report on the investigation of torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, I am wondering how accurate Chavez is.

As for Barack Obama, in spite of his brightness and his articulateness he has a fear at the back of his mind, a fear that comes naturally because of his colour.

The Libyan leader was right when he said something to the effect that Obama was playing up to the Jews due to fear when he assured the Jews that Jerusalem would always be the capital of Israel.

Obama’s most recent assurance to the Cuban Americans shows he does not know or understand America’s repression of Cuba. If Barack Obama wants to go down as a great person then he should understand genuine peace will never come without justice, and should work for justice for the Palestinians, the Cubans, the Iraqis and those of his people oppressed right there in the USA.

Yours faithfully,
W P George