Where will this arson lead?

Dear Editor,

I regret the significant loss suffered by the Ministry of Health as a result of arson. The entire ministry was gutted by the flames of hatred. A great portion of the institutional memory has been erased in a matter of minutes, and this is what makes the ministry’s losses almost unbearable. The government’s welfare, the status and well-being of thousands of patients have been put at risk, if only temporarily.

One wonders how people as part of their orchestrated campaign of destabilization and terror could put at risk the welfare of the nation’s assets. The nation notes with regret too, the scores of lives affected and the billions of dollars lost as a result of the fire. Where will this arson, terror and destabilization lead? What will the loss of taxpayers’ money and personal security, as well as the constant fear of the capital city do for the Guyanese nation? If the real objective of the perpetrators is to provoke reaction from the other besieged section of the peaceful population, the silent majority, I wish to denounce the evil mischief-makers and destabilisers of this country.

There must be no communal strife based on race or political allegiance. The peace must be kept by the majority of the Guyanese population.

Yours faithfully,
Mohamed Khan