An atmosphere of fear

Dear Editor,
The Kaieteur News article captioned ‘Fear today worse than in Burnhamite days – MP Moses Nagamootoo’ has a real, and profound meaning with regard to what is happening in Guyana today. When almost every public servant is compelled to work in an atmosphere of intimidation and discrimination, and has to endure poor working conditions all of Guyana must be put on notice. When the rights of the worker must suffer because of fear of being dismissed or suspended, we must be concerned as our own freedom is in jeopardy.  Mr Nagamootoo’s claims of fear support what was articulated on the PNCR’s ‘Nation Watch’ programme, aired on Sunday, September 20, 2009.  It is clear that the government is using its political muscle to muzzle its critics, a situation they apparently believe will benefit them and secure their stay in power. When this PPP/C Member of Parliament, Moses Nagamootoo, a man who protested against Burnham and and the PNC government during those twenty-eight years, can make such a pronouncement the real dictatorial and repressive nature of the regime is exposed.

When a PPP/C appointee of foreign nationality in charge of a public office rejects an employee’s sick leave and orders that employee to report to her husband, the doctor, for him to decide whether or not that employee is indeed sick we must speak out against such blatant high-handedness and disrespect. This kind of behaviour constitutes serious disrespect for local doctors. Our peaceful nature, coupled with the fact that we regard hard work and dedication as sacred aspects of our culture must not be taken for granted. I call on those in authority to examine their areas of responsibility and stamp out this kind of disrespect wherever it exists; people are no longer prepared to suffer fear. How can a government either aid and abet or give tacit consent to such disrespectful acts?

Let’s not claim that there is no formal complaint of this nature, for I believe even the President might be aware of these things happening, so those in authority must begin to examine their offices and take action to restore some amount of dignity to the Guyanese worker. Whether these acts are committed by foreigners or locals, they are equally wrong and must not be tolerated.
Yours faithfully,
Lurlene Nestor