What documents do visitors to Guyana require to obtain drivers’ permits at the airport?

Dear Editor,

I thank Mr Peter Fraser of the GRA for conducting a thorough investigation into the complaints I received about the poor customer service provided by Customs officials at the Guyana airport, especially in regard to obtaining a local Guyana driver’s permit.

Judging from his polite and courteous response in the Stabroek News on March 29, it is now clear to me that rude, brisk, uncouth behaviour is frowned upon within the GRA’s departments.  Accordingly, the obvious conclusion is that the 16 visitors to Guyana who relayed their negative experiences to me misrepresented the situation, and were out to mischievously besmirch the reputation of the department. How naïve of them to travel to Guyana before ensuring that their documents were in order. I will certainly give them a piece of my mind when next we speak.

By the way, just so I know how to dress them down properly, what exactly were the required documents that they should have had to obtain the driver’s permit at the airport?

Yours faithfully,
Shameer Ali