A distinguished career

Dear Editor,

The African Cultural & Development Association (ACDA) would like to extend heartfelt congratulations to outgoing Assistant Commissioner, Paul Slowe for his distinguished career of public service. He has shown how professionalism, integrity and service are still character traits that make ones a terrific human being and a champion of law and order.

ACDA believes Guyana can and will become a plural democracy based on a multi-racial, multi-party political culture in which every Guyanese is equally valued regardless of race, colour, creed or economic means and in which there is a fundamental understanding that Guyana has a melting-point heritage that necessitates true democratic institutions, conservative social values and a deep respect for human rights, religious tolerance and the rule of law.

He is a role model for this type of ‘just’ society.

Over the years, we have interfaced with Mr Slowe on many occasions:  Emancipation, Kwanzaa, African Holocaust Day among others. He has epitomized grace and toughness; a combination that is rare in his type of work. In transactions with us and with Guyanese at large, he brought a special dignity to his profession; never asking for anything, never expecting anything less than mutual cooperation and respect.

We wish Assistant Commissioner Paul Slowe well, and ask the creator and ancestors to continue to bless him and his family.

We at ACDA believe his work is not done as his shining example will continue to shed light on the dog days of the past and inspire others, now serving in the police force and army, to live lives of service, justice and humility.

We thank him for the confidence he instilled in many around him and especially for being fair and just in his dealings with us.

Yours faithfully,
Eric Phillips
ACDA Executive
Steering Committee