The Guyana cricket team should have a name

Dear Editor,

I think that the Guyana cricket team should have a name like most sporting teams do these days. All the teams in the CL Twenty/20 competition have a name. Remember, our male football team is called the Golden Jaguars.

From now on I think that our cricket team should be called one of the following: Guyana Piranhas, Guyana Anacondas, Guyana Bushm-asters or Guyana Panthers. Let us be the first in the Caribbean to give our cricket team a name. What does the GCB think? What do the players think? What does all of Guyana think?

Anyway, best wishes to the team. I know that we will mash them up in the CL Twenty/20 and bring back the trophy. Guyana all the way!

Yours faithfully,
Charles Byrne