Why can’t businesses in NA take part in the town’s Mash float parade?

Dear Editor,

So if the Georgetown Mash floats decided one year to take a holiday and not to come to New Amsterdam’s Mash, that may translate into Berbice having no Mash parade, really. Berbicians want magnificent float parades but they themselves do not want to get on board and become a part of the Mash last-lap tramp down Main Street.

Take the business community here, for example. I have never seen such selfish businesses in my life. There are so many businesses in Berbice, especially in New Amsterdam. Why can’t Courts, A Ally & Sons, AH&L Kissoon, and other such businesses bring their displays to the streets next year? There are more entities in Berbice; those are just a few.

I think they have shed their cultural responsibilities to the citizens of Berbice, especially New Amsterdam. Perhaps we can show Georgetown and the rest of Guyana that we are capable of holding our own.

Yours faithfully,
Leon Suseran