Social potpourri

Dear Editor,

a.  Brickdam Police Station.  Good news, some police stations have been repaired, refurbished and extended – hurrah, to the Minister.  In the dusk lies the Brickdam Police Station, a throwback to Dickensian days.  It is one of the blights in this blighted City of Georgetown.  A dirty and untidy building, with a service that leaves much to be desired. The CID Brickdam is a prime example of how to frustrate the Guyanese people, who seek their assistance.

b.  The High Court:  There she stands, regal in her appearance, damaged though she may be. She has been there for decades, viewing, and listening, to the heartbeat of the city.  A city, that has now become a garbage bin.  The alleged suppliers to the scrap metal dealers, are most disrespectful to her.  In their quest to satisfy the gluttonous appetite of their employers, decorum, decency and honesty, have been buried.  She weeps, Victoria, weeps.

c.  The Hall:  From afar, she seems to be rather beautiful and stately; closer, the ravages of time are evident. Her hair is matted, dried and breaking. She is toothless, and her gums bleed. She is old, and senility has stepped in; she denies this.  Her final humiliation has come, her torn and soiled underclothing, has been exposed by ‘Rambo the Ripper.’

d. Walter Roth Museum: The beautifully carved Totem Pole (??), unveiled during Carifesta X, now lies prostrate on the ground. The elements, will soon have their say, because, no one cares.

e. The Death Wagons: Welcome, welcome to the ride. The music is uncouth and loud, the grim reaper controls the wagon.  Bring your babies, your young, your productive ones. I am death, my bus is sleek and fast, and my conductor is – Charon; pay him.

Yours faithfully,
C S Vaughn