Patentia was tormented by loud music

Dear Editor,

On the night of Saturday October 13, into the morning of Sunday October 14, residents of Patentia had to endure the worst torment lately by loud, lewd music until 3am which was being played at Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara.

I was up until 3am calling all the police stations close by, including: Wales police station and was rudely told that that does not concern them and they cannot do anything about it and I should call 911, although they were hearing the loudness. Both Diamond and Grove police stations promised to search and find the source of the noise since they claimed they were not aware of it, but unsurprisingly didn’t do anything so we were left to endure the mental torture until the promoter decided to stop the “madness”.

I would like to think that being a promoter of such events is the best job in this country, since even the police cannot stop them from breaking the law by playing deafening music after 12 midnight. Why are decent hardworking citizens including children and the elderly subjected to this blatant abuse by some “high ranking people” in society? Who gives permission for such events which disturb hundreds of people and does not ensure they comply with the law by shutting down at midnight? Why when contacted to enforce the law, the police behave as though the person making the report is committing an illegal act? How is society benefited by these horrendous acts of discourtesy, inconvenience and inconsideration?

I hope this letter serves the purpose for which it is intended, that senior police take immediate action to stop noise nuisance. Also some training should be given to police officers working the night shift to be more professional whilst performing their duties.

Yours faithfully,
Anthea Spencer