The gap between the rich and the poor is widening

Dear Editor,

On Sunday I attended the Ghana Day event held on the grounds of Congress Place, Sophia.

There was a stirring and informative address delivered by Mr Akbar Muhamed of North America. During his address he reminded us of the importance of knowing our history, our roots and our country.

Later he quoted the following delivered by Dr Jagan on August 28, 1961, it runs: “I give my solemn pledge that my government will never discriminate against any person or persons on the ground of race, religion or political creed, that the essential freedoms will be preserved and we will respect the rights of all.

“Our party has always been and will always be, a multi-racial party. Within it there is room for all. Its leaders come from every racial group. I call upon the Guianese of every race, and every creed to rally now behind us.”

Wherever he is Dr Jagan must be upside down as he views the greed of his successors in office.

The most frequently violated is “we will respect the rights of all”; ask the little people who see the gap between the very rich and the poor widening. Ask the citizens of Georgetown and Linden.

Ask the people I saw today with fever and dengue; they are being told that they must buy some of the medication prescribed outside (“we’re out of stock”) while former President Jagdeo with the same condition is flown by special jet at a cost of some $35M. Yes, different strokes for different folks.

Yours faithfully,
Eric Mosley