There is need to teach religious and ethnic tolerance

Dear Editor,

The recent cold blooded and brutal slaughter of one hundred and forty eight college students in Kenya reportedly by al-Shabab Islamic extremists must be condemned by all right-thinking people throughout the world.

This is indeed a barbaric act committed by religious fanatics and people of sick mind. According to media reports, Christian students were targeted in the killings, and many more might have been killed were it not for their professed belief in the teachings of Islam.

This action was rightly condemned by Pope Francis, the UN Secretary General and the US President, among other world leaders.

There is need, however, for the Muslim community both locally and internationally not only to condemn such actions but to openly disassociate themselves from terrorist groups such as al-Shabab and Boko Haram which are only dishonouring the religion they profess by their actions.

At a more fundamental level, there is need for the teaching of religious and ethnic tolerance starting from the nursery level, that must be reinforced in the home. Respect for religious and cultural diversity is the hallmark of civilization, and any society which fails to inculcate and reinforce such values does so at its own peril. It has been scientifically established that there is no superior race or culture and it is therefore imperative that we inculcate these ideas and precepts in our children in their early formative years.

Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally