Whichever party lost must be prepared to concede defeat

Dear Editor,

The verification process of the counting and tabulation of SOPs is taking too long,  leading to much unease among the population and the diaspora as well.  But Gecom wants to get it right and not make a mistake in making a premature announcement as happened in earlier elections. Hence the long drawn out process.

Nevertheless, it is not brain science to count a maximum of 400 ballots per polling station and it does not take forever. The counting finished quickly. The verification process takes a long time.

The two major parties know the election numbers because these would have been given to them by their polling agents. So they know which party won and which one lost. Gecom also knows which party won from the preliminary phoned-in reports of the SOPs. But it has to go through the verification process before making an official declaration. It is doubtful such an announcement would come before this afternoon because of the slow process of verification of SOPs. This is not good for the country. But nothing can be done about it.

It is most unfortunate that we have both parties claiming victory (or in the lead as claimed by Ramotar and victory as claimed by Granger) with about the same number of votes in reverse order.

How could that be possible? One of the two is not giving us the correct information or may have made a mistake in its aggregate summation of the SOPs. Or may have an ulterior motif? We do not know.

Whichever party lost must be prepared to concede defeat and congratulate the winner, once there is no fraud. That is how democracy works. The peoples’ verdict is final.

As I penned earlier, the best government is one which is inclusive of representatives of all stakeholders in the society – parties, civics, business groups.  It is the only way for national reconciliation that is needed now more than ever.

In the meanwhile, the two major parties must heed the call of Dr. Surujbally to calm the emotions of their supporters and let Gecom finish its official work without hindrance or to act under duress. Only Gecom can certify and declare a winner! There should be no violence in the streets. Let the peace prevail. Everyone, all parties, must accept the will of the people. May the best party win and may the best person chosen be sworn in as President!

Yours faithfully

Vishnu Bisram