Trivial matter

Dear Editor,


In reference to the letter written in the Stabroek News by Mr Ronald Bulkan, captioned ‘Ever heard of “Dr Mandela? ”’ it is my view that his position is slanted and raises several important issues.

Firstly, it is not uncommon for recipients of honorary doctorates to be referred to by the title of doctor. For example, Maya Angelou was widely referred to as Dr Maya Angelou. Surely, President Nelson Mandela was referred to as Dr Mandela at times (for verification just google Dr Nelson Madela and you will be sure to find him). I am baffled that Mr Bulkan was not aware of these basic facts.

Secondly, I do not understand why Mr Bulkan brings up the personal life of this influential person. I am deeply disappointed by his behaviour.

Thirdly, honorary doctorates are earned by the recipient’s life experiences. Such degrees are never awarded to unaccomplished individuals. As to whether the recipient is called doctor or not is a matter of personal choice. What is the problem?

All in all, why is Mr Bulkan so preoccupied with trivialities? How does he find the time to engage in such trivial issues? I have found his letter distasteful and unsophisticated. Mr Bulkan should instead focus on the spectrum of pressing issues affecting our country rather than dishing out personal attacks. What is the benefit of such triviality to our people? I guarantee, nothing.


Yours faithfully,

Cecil Dilipkumar