It is time we hold our politicians to account

Dear Editor,

Why do I have this feeling that after 28 years of PNC rule and 23 years of PPP rule it is ‘déjà vu all over again’ with this APNU+AFC coalition government. The people voted for change, but instead what we have is an exchange. One thing is clear, the politicians of this country are only interested in themselves, families and friends, and do not care a hang about the rest of the people. Guyanese continue to leave these shores in droves for greener pastures because they do not see a future here. They do not feel safe in their homes due to the out-of-control crime situation.

The coalition government promised to bring crime under control when they were in opposition; now in government they have failed miserably. People are robbed and killed every day with no solution in sight. After only six months in power there are so many broken promises by this government, for example, no 20% increase for public sector workers, but 50% for ministers; no public procurement commission; no integrity commission; no lowering of the Berbice Bridge toll to one thousand dollars; no lowering of VAT and income tax, and many other promises too numerous to mention.

Editor, there is a sense of hopelessness stalking the land. After 23 years of PPP misrule, corruption and nepotism, people thought that this country would be able to breathe again and the quality of life improve drastically, but alas this is not to be. People are disillusioned, disappointed and angry at what is going on. They are asking whether this country will ever progress. It is time we hold our politicians to account. Scrap the present constitution and rewrite a new one that gives absolute power to the people of this country. A constitution that will drive fear of the people of this country in the politicians, and not the other way around as happens now, where the people have to fear the politicians. They must understand that we are their employers and if they do not deliver we can fire them. After every election they come begging us for the job. So let us have a constitution that puts Guyana first and not the politicians and their families and friends first. Let us have constitutional reform now so that Guyana can progress to a developed country and the people can enjoy a higher standard of living.

Yours faithfully,
Imtiaz Baccus