PPP should be deeply disturbed at the troubling crossroads where it is now marooned

Dear Editor,

The opposition elders, wise men, and brain trust have some difficult, far reaching decisions to make, on what strategy to pursue.  That broadside from New York tied their hands and put them in a real bad position.  What will they do?  Brandish proudly the race card?  Align quietly and willingly with narcissistic race-baiting?  Contribute secretly (but immovably) to race-mongering and race pandering?

If this is where the party ends up, publicly or privately, which is where it might already be, then what?  Even more pointedly, if the now opposition squeezes out the narrowest of narrow electoral success on an unrelenting, unremorseful race platform (what else does it have?), where does that leave this fragile uneasy society?

To be very blunt, I would be most surprised if the rest of society accepts gently such a development, no matter how unlikely.  Even if the social environment were to be amenable, there could-and would-arise ongoing difficulties in governing.  As a practical matter, I foresee that bureaucracy could be lacking in energy and zeal; and those who serve to be hard pressed to discover the interest to deliver.  Further, street and community could become more overtly uncivil.  After all, all would be fully aware of where things stand, how they feature in the scheme of such things, and who is responsible for matters traveling to such an unacceptable and hostile place.

Gone will be all pretense and subtlety and subterfuges (perhaps these departed already).  This is the race beast now unshackled and knowing neither disguise nor constraints, but roaming at will through the shrilly heat-inducing and contagious voices of those dedicated to instigation.

The problem is that such scorching piercing trumpet peals can neither be withdrawn nor muffled.  Damage is done; it is believed deliberate.  Some groundwork laid for the future.  Some unswerving visions are now made public.  The stealth of what was long private has been jettisoned in favour of what inflames and renders insecure through public utterances.  So, the party lives in a Darwinian moment: its senior people ought to know that only the strong-minded and the strong-willed will triumph.  Yet, well-rewarded loyalists and decision-makers may harbour the urge to gamble fatefully, despite recognizing the destructive presence and obvious albatross prowling on the bridge.  These power-brokers could be tempted by a titillating probability (electoral victory); or discern too late an associated unnerving reality (a fallen society).

In such circumstances, can the opposition party find itself?  Does it want to retreat, recalibrate, restart, and reroute?  If so, would the rest of this country be willing to accommodate?

These are all searing thoughts; they produce flinching.  I would hope, I pray that sanity and better sense will take the ascendancy, older heads prevail.  A specifically complexioned die has been cast; a particular Rubicon hurdled.  Historically, those actions always resulted in the disastrous.  To be clear, the political irresponsibility, political inebriety, and political insensibility exhibited and observed all lead to one hard destination: social instability, environmental nausea, and ethnic precariousness.  It is so, because when the demographics of this torn land are examined and acknowledged, any racial nudge brings national shudders.  Yes, things are that sensitive.

Having said so much, I now remember Brando in On the Waterfront saying to Rod Steiger, “I coulda had class.” Soon, if not now, the opposition party will be tested to demonstrate how classy it is; or how classless it has become.

It can march with the leader; or it can take a stand by proclaiming that this is not who we are, or who we want to be.  No way!  No time!  And it must be a loud NO to anybody who manifests such destructive impulses.  This position has to be clear and unambiguous and it has to be soon.  Or else, the situation might deteriorate further to where salvaging is snatched away, and only regrets are left in the wake of circumstances allowed to fester and overcome.

However looked at, the opposition PPP should be deeply disturbed at the troubling crossroads where it is now marooned.

Yours faithfully,
GHK Lall