Probe into shooting of woman at bus park moving slowly – family

The family of Jean Rodrigues, the mother of eight who was shot while a policeman was chasing an alleged robber is concerned about the sloth in the investigation.

A daughter of the injured woman, Sophia (only name given) said they were last told that the ballistics tests have been completed, but investigating ranks at the Brickdam Police Station have not received the results.

“My sisters see what happened. I don’t know what more evidence the police want. The man ran in front and the shot came after from the police,” she said.

Commander of ‘A’ Division Clifton Hicken said a file has been sent to the office of Director of Public Prosecutions for legal advice.

Sophia said her 54-year-old mother was still in pain from the injury. She pointed out that her mother has to travel from her Lot 35 Crane, West Coast Demerara home to the hospital for treatment and every time she visits she has to wait hours before she is attended to.

Another daughter, Keitha Persaud, recounting the events of September 20, said “We were sitting [at] Timehri Park there and the police was running and shooting behind a guy and end up shooting her in her back.” She said they did not know their mother had struck by a bullet until she told them that she felt a sting on her back. Persaud said when she and another sister checked, it was discovered she had been shot and rushed her to the hospital in a taxi.

She added that more than one shot was fired.