Marijuana reform should be a prominent issue

Dear Editor, 

The political season is warming up with the impending hosting of general and regional elections. Already we are hearing from political operatives and parties on the issue of reforming our draconian marijuana laws.  Some have even gone as far as to call for the “legalization” (as opposed to decriminalization) of the herb as a major campaign promise.  This is an interesting proposition and one in which the Society of Marijuana Advocates for Reform & Treatment (SMART) will be paying keen attention to.  

Editor, this occurrence and scene is nothing new whenever elections season comes around. In fact, in 2015 several of the major parties promised to soften marijuana laws and today nothing material has been done to make this a reality.  We are an optimistic bunch and we hope that this time around things will be different and those elected to serve our next Parliament would make this one of the front burner issues.  

SMART will join with other sister organizations in ensuring that marijuana reform is a prominent one, both during and after the campaign season.

Yours faithfully,

Clinton Urling

 for Society of Marijuana Advocates

for Reform & Treatment