Resist the merging of the two lists

Dear Editor,

The long-awaited decision presented on August. 27 by GECOM Chairman, Justice Claudette Singh, is fraught with a myriad of problems. Christopher Ram, in his letter in yesterday’s Stabroek News, `Justice Singh is probably unaware of complexity and difficulties of merging two lists’, lists some legitimate reasons about the merging of the lists. The credibility of the latest dubious registration process is particularly worrisome since this exercise was conducted under questionable circumstances.

It is puzzling that the Chairman has allowed the continuation of the House-to-House (H2H) registration until August 31. A whole lot of manipulation and forgery could materialize within the 4-5 days – especially considering that the registration process from its inception has been suspect.

The Guyanese people must come together and fight tooth and nail this latest faux pas by GECOM, and resist the merging of the two lists. Utilizing this faulty list defeats the purpose of seeking a fair and free election. The H2H is a virtual sham and should be dumped.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Devanand Bhagwan