GECOM must ensure observers are not directed to observe only in certain areas

Dear Editor,

My regard for Dr. David Hinds was enhanced after reading his article in the Monday, October 14, 2019 Stabroek News titled  ‘The Coalition has allowed for a re-emergence of political plurality among African Guyanese.’

I recommend as compulsory reading, this contribution, which in general terms I support.

Next, Sir Ronald Sanders and sections of the British Media made the point that Elections at the end of the day are about winning.

Whatever may be the characteristics and peculiarities 0f a democracy, the way National Elections are conducted, remain vital.

We had Elections before Universal Adult Suffrage conducted by the British. Think about it; these elections were not fair because as descendants of slaves and indentured labourers, many had to be qualify to enjoy the right to vote (status or ownership of property, etc.).

Every other Election after 1953 had had disputes and concerns, for example: – after the 1961 Elections, the PNC filed six  Election petitions in the High Court because the Party felt there were instances of a lack of fair-play.

This brings me to the instructive editorial in Monday’s Stabroek News dealing with `GECOM Shenanigans’.

I wish to refer to the section which refers to International Observers.

Let me bring to the attention of the public and in particular the Parties contesting Elections of March 2, 2020. Every Observer Team will arrive in Guyana, with pre-conceived ideas and for the want of a kinder term, their own prejudices and predilections.

I have been an Observer and in some cases, an active participant in Guyana’s Elections for almost seven decades.

Observers come here and elsewhere to observe and comment.  I have noted that these Observers have tended to direct their attention and energies to certain areas. They all know that the philosophical position of the Carter Center in 1992 was ‘regime change.’

I am prepared with my knowledge of Guyana to give free counsel to GECOM; simply put, GECOM must ensure that these Observers are not directed to observe only in certain areas.

To use the words of Stabroek News, we want no shenanigans or the words of our now departed Leader ‘no fancy              footworks.’

Editor, Journalists, in every part of the world have their own bias.

Because the upcoming Elections are so important, I ask Editors and those who control the Media to focus on the character of the person who is to be our Helmsman or Captain of the Ship of State for the next period.

Everywhere, whether it be the family unit, the community, the organization or the country, people tend to be inspired or conditioned by its leadership.

As March 2, 2020 approaches, Guyanese of every race, colour, creed or age must decide who we want as our Helmsman or Captain.

Guyanese can be found in the Caribbean, parts of Europe and North America. They must not endure the embarrassment of a Statesman that will not make them proud to be Guyanese.

Yours faithfully,

Hamilton Green