Emergency sirens should be sparingly used

Dear Editor,

The death of five persons following a collision between a police vehicle and a private car on the East Bank Demerara is indeed tragic. I do believe from video footage that the accident could have been avoided or the impact of the collusion minimized had the traffic laws been followed especially by the police vehicle which appeared to be travelling at breakneck speed.

The Police have a duty and obligation not only to uphold the law but also to lead by example. Clearly the speed at which the Police vehicle appeared to be travelling was way above the applicable speed limit.

The other observation I wish to make is the use of the emergency siren which seems to be liberally used by the police force. One unintended effect of the siren is the panic and confusion it could generate to motorists especially during heavy traffic. Emergency sirens should be sparingly utilized and limited only to the President and medical  ambulances.

I take this opportunity to extend my deepest condolences to the relatives of all those who perished as a consequence of that deadly crash.

Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally