Business as usual at Republic Bank while thousands suffer

Dear Editor,

My employer informed me that my salary was paid into my bank account at Republic Bank around Thursday, November 21st. I kept checking my account throughout the weekend but no money was cleared into the account. I contacted my colleagues who also have their salaries paid into the said bank and they all said that no money was cleared in their accounts either.

This has never happened to us before.

We are completely in the dark as to why this has happened. Our management informed us that the problem does not rest with our place of employment since relevant payments were forwarded to the bank.

We are assuming that this non-payment is directly related to the recent “upgrade” effected by Repub-lic Bank. Further evidence of problems at the bank has been seen on Facebook posts complaining of multiple problems. Pictures were also seen of extremely long lines in and around the bank branches.

What is most frustrating is that this situation has been going on for over two weeks. Yet updates from the bank have been non-existent. Not a word! Not a release! Not even an update on our phones as they usually do when they swamp us with their ads. One would have assumed that since the bank knows that all these problems are completely of their doing, that they would have gone all out to appease the many disgruntled customers.

Banking hours are still seem the same. With the magnitude of customers affected the bank should have immediately put contingency measures in place. Adjust working hours to ease the sufferings. Closing time for the banks should have been adjusted. Banks should have opened during weekends. Whatever was necessary to ease the suffering of the customers.

But nothing of the sort!

It is business as usual at Republic Bank while thousands suffer.

And where is the regulatory body? Will they wait until customers cannot take the suffering anymore before they intervene?

When will our country ever put customers first?

Yours faithfully,

M. Abraham