TPL applies to build wharf at Sussex and Lombard Sts

Toolsie Persaud Limited has applied to the Environmental Protection Agency for Environmental Authorisation to construct a wharf at its Sussex and Lombard streets location. 

In an ad in yesterday’s Guyana Chronicle, the EPA said that the application for the project has been screened to assess its potential environmental impacts and it has been determined that the project will not significantly affect the environment, and is therefore exempt from the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). However, the EPA said that in keeping with the Environmental Protection Act and the Environmental Protection (Authorisations) Regulations, 2000, any person who may be affected by this project may lodge an appeal against the decision that an EIA is not required with the Environmental Assessment Board within 30 days of the date of the publication of the notice. Details on the procedure for submission of appeals can be obtained from the EPA’s website or from its Ganges Street, Sophia office.