PPP/C and APNU were absent from this forum

Dear Editor,

On Sunday I ran a Guyana Election Question time in London despite Storm Ciara. Kudos to Khemraj Ramjattan, Robert Badal and Tim Jonas for allowing themselves to be interrogated by myself and the audience. Enlightening.

Not so enlightening the behaviour of the two big players. The PPP/C flatly refused to take part ab initio on the bizarre grounds that ‘There are no votes in the UK’. I tried and failed to argue them out of that position. Their chair was empty. APNU were more nuanced. Volda Lawrence accepted but we failed to obtain her skype handle so failed to hook up with her. Pity.

It does strike me that both party blocs believe in transmit not receive. Rallies not debates. Where are the TV Presidential (and other) examinations of their programmes? Have I missed them?

Guyana has a way to go to become a mature modern democracy.

Yours faithfully,

John ‘Bill Cotton/Reform’ Mair