Simple but significant questions for ExxonMobil

Dear Editor,

The following is actually the gist of correspondence I want to send to ExxonMobil and its subsidiary affiliates now responsible for pumping oil up from the Atlantic deemed, internationally, to be Guyana.

The questions are on my own behalf really; but also on behalf of the taxi drivers and certain vendors I interact with weekly. We are all not at all “academic,” but of reasonable intelligence and very justifiably curious as citizens of this burgeoning “oil rich” Republic where once Raleigh and countless others from afar once searched for gold – another “extractive” resource which males the  world – some of it – wealthy.

Speaking for myself, I’ll admit upfront that I spend very much TV time watching American politics and could have missed ExxonMobil’s Public Education (PR) productions. Never-the-less the questions:

How many barrels/equivalents have been pumped-up/lifted up to Mid- February?

On the World Market what is the price per barrel?

Will Guyana earn the same as would Exxon with its expert marketing?

Could Exxon, in simple audio-visual television friendly productions, show us working-class folks some of the FPSO activities – how production is pumped up, storage and transferral to the tankers?

Now Exxon could very well respond to all this by telling me to approach/check with  our own Department of Energy sited in His Excellency’s Presidency Compound. But when we elect ministers who appoint CEO’s and Heads we the eternal electors must live on their trust and confidence.

We are informed at their will and timings.

When I was growing up older folks would say: “Children must be seen and not heard.” Nowadays even when the working-class adults are heard, the “authorities” use agreements and “confidentiality” not to respond.

We must leave it to them. Somebody please respond.

(NB: Believe it or not, minutes after I penned all the above, Mr Bynoe of the Presidency’s Energy Department was offering timely explanations from the FPSO vessel itself! Via Facebook I saw. Never- the-less, I retain my queries and messages above.)

Yours faithfully,

Allan Arthur Fenty