This ‘substantial compliance’ is rigging

Dear Editor,

I stand with indigenous leader, Mr Lenox Shuman, on his right to wear his cultural garb and be represented. I stand with the Chief Justice in allowing Mr Shuman into the courtroom, recognizing his constitutional rights and protections. I stand with my colleague, Mr Timothy Jonas, as a fledgling politician safeguarding democracy and the will of the people. I stand with Dr Asha Kissoon as a powerful woman’s voice, above the fray of race and ethnicity. I stand with Mr Nigel Hinds in resisting calls for a national unity government post-elections. It’s only when the PNC, in any of its apparitions, loses an election, that option is put on the table, usurping the electorate’s free choice. I stand with all decent Guyanese to call “substantial compliance” what it truly is: rigging. I stand.

Yours faithfully,

Sadie Amin