CWI identifies next steps for Wehby Report

Ricky Skerritt
Ricky Skerritt

St. John’s Antigua: The timeline for consultation and implementation of the recommendations of the Wehby Report has been established by Cricket West Indies (CWI) a release from CWI stated yesterday.

The proposed way forward was approved by the CWI Board of Directors following a presentation of a Board Paper entitled “Governance Reform Report – Next Steps” by CWI president Ricky Skerritt.

The paper called for the CWI Board of Directors, Territorial Boards, their members and all stakeholders, to do all that is possible to stimulate, encourage and facilitate the reading, discussion and consultation of the report which was widely distributed on the 17th August 2020.

According to Skerritt, Senator Don Wehby has offered to make himself and other Task Force members available to provide explanations and facilitate constructive discussion on the report’s findings, if needed.

The paper encouraged all stakeholders to engage in any consultation they deemed necessary to help pave the path forward towards implementation.

According to the board paper, the first deadline is for the report reading and consultation process to be completed by 16th October, 2020 but that would depend on the ability of Territorial Boards to effectively consult with their membership under the Covid19 protocol group gathering limitations.

During the same period, CWI will be seeking advice on legal processes and actions that would be required to implement the recommendations of the report, the release stated.

The board paper also called for final feedback from CWI board members and Territorial Boards to be documented and submitted to CWI by the middle of November.  

Any resulting suggestions and decision-making, including actual resolutions for change of Articles, should be completed by November 26th and put before an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) which CWI hopes can take place face-to-face by the middle of December, 2020.

“There will be COVID19-related timing challenges, and likely political head-winds ahead, but I assure all stakeholders and lovers of West Indies Cricket that I will personally champion the important process of CWI Governance Reform, no matter how long it takes, now that CWI has received and distributed such a pragmatic and do-able cricket-centric report from Senator Wehby and his team of highly qualified and experienced advisors,” said Skerritt.

“Hopefully good sense will prevail and CWI will show the world that we are serious about modernization and improvement,” he added.