Salute to Freddie Sanchara

Dear Editor,

With the sad death of Reyaz Hussain at Christmas (see SN letters 27.12), it is time to acknowledge the contribution of Freddie Sanchara to the early history of Guytelly. His house and ‘station’ in Queenstown was an early incubator of talent. I always enjoyed popping into the local academy to gaff with Freddie (as a local cinema owner he knew how to get crowds to come and watch) plus  Reyaz and Neaz and Nazim too. They were eager to learn from the master…and from me. They all did well in Guymedia. Salut Freddie S!

What he would have made of Hits and Jams having his licence, his house and his airspace I leave for others to conjecture.

Yours faithfully,

John ‘Bill Cotton/Reform’ Mair