Patterson will not resign

Dear Editor,

I have observed the calls for embattled former Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson to resign as Chair of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). It is pretty obvious that I, and most right thinking people, support that course of action. But the sad thing is that I don’t expect it to happen. Patterson will not resign. This is Guyana. We have the most shameless ‘politrickians’ around.

Editor, what is worse is that we have people supporting Patterson and his unbecoming and unethical, if not illegal, actions. That right there, Editor, is our problem. We have so many people that love their `politrickal’ party more than they love their country. It is why the `politrickians’ feel that they can do almost anything with impunity. This absolutely needs to change, and soon.

I call on my Guyanese brethren and sistren to hold their policymakers accountable. They work for you guys. You are their masters. So behave like it for a change!

Yours faithfully,

Nicholas NickTafari De Castro